Monday, August 31, 2009

Dr's visit and the worst 25 minutes of my life!

Well today was Jaden's first Dr's visit and she passed with flying colors. She is 29.5 inches tall and 19.11 lbs! That puts her in the 95% for height and 65% for weight on the American charts! Those who say Chinese girls are small have never met my girl! She did wonderful with our Dr. and he said we really hit the jackpot with her! He said she was very bonded to me and so happy. Luckily she has not caught what I have and only has a little nasal congestion. He is making an appointment for the international clinic to run all the tests she needs.
When he asked about how she sleeps I explained that she is very restless and wakes during the night. Now he also has adopted internationally and knows what is involved so he said we needed to let her put herself to sleep. She no longer needs a bottle at night either. So we decided to go ahead and bite the bullet tonight. Rusty is out of town and his mom is here helping me since I am so sick. I put her down and she cried like crazy for 25 minutes. After that she was out! I cant believe it. It was so hard to keep from going in there to let her know she was ok. Now lets hope she sleeps through the night!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Partied hard with daddy!

Well from the looks of things Jaden partied to hard with her daddy last night. She was in her highchair eating her rice cake and drinking juice while I cleaned the kitchen. Next thing I know she is passed out in the highchair. I guess she and daddy were up all night while mommy was knocked out by NyQuil!

On another note its is only 63 degrees here today, yhea you read that right all my peeps in Mississippi and Nashville! So I got to dig in the closet and get some paints. We settled on a pair of overalls that were handed down from her cousin Jodus. They are supposed to be long pants but on my amazon girl they are more like waders! Jaden is 9 months and they are 12 months, guess she is bigger then you Jodus! I cant believe Jodus was wearing these same clothes almost 12 years ago! We have lots of overalls from Jodus since he wore them all the time. They do suck for the whole potty chair thing!
Enjoy the pics!

And for those who are wondering how I feel. Like crap! My throat is on fire! Rusty's mom is on her way to help out! And tomorrow Jaden has her first dr's visit!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Sick as a dog!

No not Jaden but her mommy! I am so sick and it could not have come at a worse time. Rusty will be out of town next week! I have a bad case of bronchitis and sinusitis. My throat is in so much pain I cant sleep. Its hard to stay away from Jaden but I have too. I just try to stay out of her face. Last night her daddy did the night watch so I could try to sleep! The little bugger slept till 5 then went back to sleep till 10!
We had to call in reinforcements to help me when Rusty is gone. Thank goodness his mom is able to come and help out till I can get back to myself and be able to take care of my girl.
So keep me in your prayers and thoughts to get back to normal! All I want to do is love on my girl!

Oh and the nice cut on the eye is her first injury with the corner of our stairs.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Finally sleeping in her room!

Yep you read that right. Jaden has moved to her room and her crib! Tonight is the 2nd night she has slept in there and she fell asleep with no problem and didn't even cry when I laid her down. Lets hope she stays down for a while! She slept in the same bed with her foster parents so this is a huge step for us!
She is still doing great but is refusing to let me feed her. She wants to feed herself and when she sees the spoon come out she shakes her head no. If there is pudding on the spoon she will give in and let me feed her. Other than that everything is wonderful. She is a live wire for sure. I am so worn out by the end of the day I just fall into bed. Which is what I am getting ready to do now! Enjoy the pics and you can see more on shutterfly!

Monday, August 24, 2009

What I have learned in in the past three weeks!

1. There is not enough time in the day to get everything done!

2. The 17-22 lbs on diapers is not the amount of pee it can hold!

3. If daddy watches the baby while mommy naps, be sure and tell him to change her diaper(see #2)

4. Just because there are baby toys on the bathroom floor this does not mean daddy locked the baby in the bathroom to play!

5. Just because Jaden used the potty once does not mean she wont poop again!

6. Be sure and check diaper before laying Jaden on the carpet are you might end up with a big poop mess on the floor and your hands!

7. Be sure and cover the poop spot because dogs tend to like to eat poop!

8. Naptime is the best time!

9. All those new clothes that momma buys can come in handy, especially if baby pucks in the car on the way to crackerbarrel. Just put one of the new outfits on the carseat so puke doesn't get on the new pj's baby is wearing!

10. Its ok for a baby to wear new pj's out to eat!(see #9)

11. Its also ok for baby to stay in her pj's all day, along with her mom!

12. Its no big deal that mom hasn't worn makeup since China(even before) and hadn't washed her hair in a week!

13. Its a problem when your Pointer decides she wants to headbutt the baby!

14. Teething Sucks!

15. Note to self IF we adopt again the pre-requisite will be that they have a full set of teeth!

16. Its amazing how a 2 1/2 teeth grin can melt your heart!

17. Its amazing that you can love someone you have only known for 3 weeks!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Three weeks a family!

Well today marks three weeks that we have been together as a family of 3! Things have been going great. She was sick yesterday and threw up twice. I think it was the yogurt I fed her with strawberries. Ooops! She is 100% better today and so is her mom after I got a nap in today!
We took a 30 minute walk today that turned into a two hour walk after we stopped and talked to everyone. Our neighbors have been wonderful with Jaden. She loves seeing them all!
Things have gotten so much better with Jaden. It is crazy all the stuff she can do now that she was not doing 3 weeks ago! She can now crawl like a champ! She is pulling up on everything! She can say mama, dada, baba, and bye bye. She is waving bye. She still poops in the potty everyday and sometimes pees too. We are not forcing it and just try twice a day. I have changed 3 poopy diapers since we have been home! You cant beat that. She is eating like a champ. She loves broccoli and cheddar soup and just plain broccoli! And dont dare mess with her rice cakes! She loves mac and cheese, sweet potatoes, and carrots! She started using a sippy cup today and did pretty good.
She has gone to the zoo, conservatory, mall, cracker barrel, Bob Evans, and daddy's office! She has also had her first portraits made and did great! We are going to go broke ordering pictures of her!
We are finally getting into a routine around here. My parents were here the first week and helped out alot! My dad even cut the grass so we wouldn't have too! That was a big help. And my mom kept us all well fed! I dont think I could have made it without them!
I have been posting pics on shutterfly cause its so easy to use and I can order them from there and have them shipped to the house!
Oh I almost forgot, I weighed Jaden tonight and she is up to 20lbs! She is so long that she can not fit into 12 month pj's because she cant stretch her legs! She is 9 months old and in 18 month pj's!

Friday, August 21, 2009

First portraits posted on shutterfly

Just a quick note to say I posted her portraits on shutterfly. They turned out great! Also prayers and postive thoughts would be great because she is running a fever and has a stuffy nose!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Pics on Shutterfly

Just a quick post to say I posted some pics on the shutterfly site.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

We are doing so much better!

Well we are finally getting better at sleeping here in the USA. Last night she woke up at 1:00 and took a bottle and went right back to bed then slept till 7! She is in to everything! She can now crawl across the room and is pulling herself up on furniture. I am sure she will be walking in no time! She is still using the potty for poop. We bought one for each floor so we can make it in time. She went on her first visit to the zoo yesterday. She loves anything that swims!
I am glad to be back from China but I never thought I would miss my new friends and all the babies as much as I do.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

We are home!!!

I am glad to say that we are back home! Thank God for the USA! We got to Columbus at about 7:30 last night. We were met by my parents and my aunt and uncle and also my wonderful friend Amanda and her two kids.
Jaden did wonderful on the flight home. As a matter of fact the flight home was better than the flight going to China! We laid Jaden on our table trays on the plane! She slept through the second flight. Luckily she woke up to meet everyone!
I am exhausted! I did not sleep at all on the plane and finally fell asleep about 1:30 this morning. Jaden woke up at 3:15 and again at 6:00 AM. Hopefully I will get some sleep tonight.
I will post more about China and our trip later this week after I have recovered!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Packed and ready to go to Hong Kong!

We have all our things packed and ready to go for our train ride to Hong Kong!  We did not have to buy an extra suitcase!  Thank goodness.  I have no idea how we are going to get these to the airport by ourselves! 
We leave for the US Embassy at 2:45 and after we take the oath they will drop us off at the train for our two hour ride to Hong Kong.  I cant believe that we are so close to being home!  Just one more sleep in China!  I cant wait to have ice!
I know I haven't blogged as much as planned but we have been pretty busy with our rowdy girl!  I will post about our trip once we get home, what I wish I'd brought and what I wish I had left at home!

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Happy birthday to Nana from China!

We all want to wish Nana a happy birthday.  We have already talked to her on our 8/12 so we could be the first to wish her happy b-day!  Cant wait to see you on Friday!
We finished all our shopping today.  I think we are going to be able to get by without buying a new suitcase!  I got rid of a few things that we didn't need or didn't use.  I gave them to our guide for other parents!  Anything to make room for our gifts!  I am pretty sure I got everything I wanted.  I got tons of silk dresses for Jaden and her squeaky shoes.  I am sure the dogs will love those!  I am having a granite etching done of Jaden and we will pick it up tomorrow. 
We will take the oath tomorrow and then get Jaden's visa.  After that they are taking us to the train station for our ride to Hong Kong.  We already have our tickets and are ready to go.  Just one more sleep in Guangzhou and one more in Hong Kong and we will be back home a little after 7 friday night!  I cant wait.
I put new pics up on our other site.  The baby is Julianna my friend Delaine's little girl.  She is such a cutie and so much lighter than Jaden.  I am really going to miss Delaine and her family.  We have been talking for close to 4 years and it has been great seeing each other.  We plan to get together at least once a year! 

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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Pearl River Cruise

Well we went on the Pearl River cruise tonight.  The view was pretty good but the food sucked big time.  They had what I would call bait fish that were fried whole and people were eating it.  Ewwww!  They also had a whole duck with a head.  The noodles were ok though. 
The pearl river reminds me alot of the pearl river back in Mississippi.  Nasty.  There is alot of trash in the water but it looks like they are trying to clean it up.  There were a few dead fish floating in there too.  Hope that wasn't on the menu!  Our guide said they used to be able to swim in it but not anymore.  We did see a guy swimming in it today but he must have been crazy!  There were barges and boats floating by him.  He was a brave man. 
Jaden enjoyed the boat ride.  She loved looking at the lights.  I even let Rusty take her outside the boat to see the lights. 
For all those wondering, we are not being affected by the typhoon to much.  There was rain and a few storms today but that is about it.  When we first got here they thought it may hit us but it didn't.  It is hot as hell here though!  Thank God for my anti monkey butt powder!(I will add a pic of that when we get home, thats its real name!)
Tomorrow will be a free day of shopping fun!  I am just about shopped out and I know Rusty is. 
Better go, need to sleep while I can!

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Monday, August 10, 2009

Shopping fun!

Well today we got to go to the pearl market.  The whole place was so overwhelming!  There was six floors of nothing but jewelry.  From fake to real.  We went to the pearl store and had a blast.  They sell them for wholesale so we got a very good deal.  We ended up getting myself a necklace, earrings, and pendant and we also got Jaden earrings and a necklace for her wedding day.  I didn't want to get myself anything but Rusty made me.  We also got a couple DVD's for Jaden for $3 a piece! 
We hit the McDonald's afterwards where Jaden got her first happy meal!  She loves chicken nuggets.  I dont think there is anything this kid wont eat.  Before bed last night she drank 1 1/2 bottles and one jar of baby carrots! 
I left her with her daddy again today so I could do a little shopping without her.  It was nice.  I got her a few silk dresses for each year up to size 10.  They are like $5 here a piece.  I do want to get a few more squeaky shoes before we leave.  Other than that I think we are done! 
Later today we have the infamous red coach photo!  That should be a hoot with 12 babies.  Jaden will be wearing a sapphire blue dress that I had made for her in Jiangxi along with matching shoes. 
We have still been unable to get her hair to lay flat so she is now sporting a ponytail on top of her head.  She looks like a Chinese Pebbles! 
There are families here in the hotel who just got their babies yesterday and I look at those babies and realize how far all of our girls have come.  They all seem so comfortable now with their family.  Jaden is a little too comfortable.  Its like she has always been here with us.  At night I still have to peek in her crib to make sure this is all real.  After 4 plus years I never thought it would happen.  Now I know why we had to go through the wait because she is the perfect baby for us.
Tonight we do the Pearl River cruise.  Tomorrow is a free day because our guides have to go to the consulate for us and then the next day we take the oath and catch a train to Hong Kong.  We are so close to coming home.  I know her grandparents are so ready to get their hands on her and I am ready for ya'll to see her. 

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We have a BIG healthy baby!

We had a medical exam today and everything went great!  Jaden did not even cry.  Thank goodness we brought my aunt along because Rusty had to stay behind due to his back!  I am glad to say he is all better because of his massage. 
Anyway onto the important stuff.  Jaden's hearing is fine, she weighs 19.5 lbs and is 29 inches tall!  They did not say anything about her hemangiona on her leg so I was glad of that. 
Everytime we take her to a store and the shop owners ask how old she is and I tell them 9 months they are floored.  They keep saying Chinese babies are small but not this one!  She is a whopper.  We have one pair of PJ's that my mom bought her with us that are 9 months and she is already growing out of them.  Luckily my mom and dad have done some shopping for me for all the stuff we will need when we get home.
For some reason the hotel here does not have a baby potty but no worries because I held her on the Big potty today and she pooped!  She is crawling now a little but is really trying her best to walk.  She can stand straight up in her crib now and has figured out how to unlatch the rail on the side!  She is in constant motion.  We hardly have any tears unless she is hungry or refuses to nap. 
We ate lunch at Lucy's today and we found out she loves broccoli.  Just one more thing to add to my shopping list! 
She got some daddy time today while I did paperwork for about 1 1/2 hours.  I was a nervous wreck until I got back to her.  She was fine and Rusty even changed his first diaper while I was gone.  It did my heart good when I came back and she smiled when she saw me.  She is a big momma's girl for sure! 
She went underwater today in the pool and did not cry.  She has no fears whatsoever. 
We shopped today and bought a couple dresses and squeaky shoes.  Tomorrow is the pearl market day!!! 
Well better go I am worn out! 
I put new pics on our shutterfly account.  She is even smiling in one.  She smiles all the time until she sees the camera that is!  Her aunt Betty keeps snapping away!
A Big Happy Gotcha Day to my friend Beth who is getting her baby today!  Wish we could have met up in Guangzhou!!!

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Saturday, August 08, 2009

We are in Guangzhou!

Well we are here in Guangzhou!  I can say it is very nice around our hotel.  We ate at Lucy's tonight and it was wonderful!  We had real burgers and fries!  Jaden ate mashed potatoes and loved them.  She did wonderful on the plane and never cried.  Lets hope the same happens on the next flight!
We are staying at the White Swan and let me just say I am not impressed with the rooms!  I really liked the Jin Feng in Jianxi much better.  The hotel lobby is great but the rooms suck! 
Well I am gonna cute it short because I am worn out and still need to take a shower! 

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Friday, August 07, 2009

Last night in Jiangxi!

Well I can't believe it but tonight is our last night in Jaden's province of Jiangxi. I am looking very forward to going to Guangzhou tomorrow! I hear it is great! Today we got to do some shopping at the porcelin stores! That is what Jiangxi is known for. We got some real nice things for really cheap. I was shocked. Now the problem is getting them back home! Guess a new suitcase is in our future! We also went to the peoples park which is a wonderful park.
The big news of the day is that Jaden got to spend some alone time with her daddy! I had a meeting with our guide and I let her stay with her daddy. She did really well. And it was nice to get a break even if it was only for 30 minutes!
I have not had time to tell everyone our wonderful stories that we have had while here so I will let ya know how much fun we have had while I can since Jaden is asleep!
When we got to this hotel the room we had was warm but we thought it would cool down. No such luck, turns out our air was broken so the first night we spent together as a family was a very hot one. They told us we could move rooms but she was asleep and after the day we had with her there was no way I was waking her up! Thank goodness they moved us the next day! This room is much cooler. Not only that but the second night we were in this room Rusty got to watch a peep show out our window. Lucky me got a play by play of the whole action while I was feeding Jaden. Obviously the people across the way have no modesty and left their bathroom windows wide open!
Now the highlight of the trip was yesterday morning when I decided to use a q-tip in my ear and the cotton broke off and got stuck in my ear! I tried my best to get it out but I only pushed it in more! I was freaking out because all I could think was I was going to have surgery in some nasty hospital because I had a q-tip in my ear. Well thank goodness for Amy's mom AKA Grandy! Amy woke her up for me and she rushed down and got the q-tip unstuck! No more q-tips for me!!!
The traffic here is CRAZY! People just drive everywhere and they do not know how to stay in their lanes! Rusty took a video because no one will believe just how wild it is! I dont see how people dont get killed driving bikes and mopeds!
I will say that they people here have been wonderful. They all come up to us when we are out and coo over the babies. I have no clue what most of them are saying but some do say how lucky our babies are. I wish I could tell them that we are the lucky ones to have her now! I cant get over how she just clicks with us. China really did pick the perfect baby for us!

Thursday, August 06, 2009

We are still a very happy baby!

I guess Jaden was testing us the first few days but now she knows we are not leaving!(I really thought about it the first few days!)  She is so happy and so animated!  She is the class clown of the group for sure.  She loves to "talk".  The one thing she hates is sleeping.  She will fight her nap tooth and nail!  And if we are not paying her attention she yells and then looks around to see if we see her!  She is very headstrong!  She loves to eat.  Anything and everything I put on her plate!  She eats bottles every 3 hours but has slept through the night the last 2 nights.  Unless that is her daddy wakes her up with his snoring.  She has pooped on the potty twice now and I dont even have to say the words she just does it.  She will not poop in her diaper which is ok with me right now. 
I did put some pics on the other site, just click on the link at the top of the blog.  Rusty is supposed to be fixing the computer so I can post pics but right now he is napping with Jaden.  You would think he is the one doing all the work but you would be wrong! :-)
We are going to the porceline shope in about 30 minutes so that should be fun!  We are really having a great time and the food here is not so bad.  But mom we have request for when we get home!  Steaks and baked potatoes!  And ice water.  What I wouldnt give for ice water.  Everything here is warm!  Well I better go I have to babies to get up for the tour!!!

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Wednesday, August 05, 2009

More from China!

Ok still no pictures.  Of course I have taken tons but thanks to Rusty I cant post them.  I have the plan everyday to go use Amy or Delaine's laptop but I never have time in the day.  Or I am so exhausted I cant do it.  Sorry, just take my word for it she is very cute!  She was her usual hot-tempered self today and refused to take her afternoon nap.  Her paperwork said that and they were not lying!  She did play more today, she even let me lay her in her crib and played for about 30 minutes.  I couldn't do anything because she was following my every move! 
I am sure by now most people now the BIG news of the day!  I am sure our parents have told everyone!  The one thing everyone talks about in Chinese adoption is if the baby poops.  Well we had poop today!  And our baby just didn't poop any old way, she pooped in the potty!!!  They potty train them at 1 month, what it means is they put them on the potty and say a certain word and it makes them poop.  I did not want to do this but after 4 days of no poop we had to do something.  I set her on the potty and didn't even say the words and she pooped!  I know we both felt better after that.  I knew my baby was smart, she can swim and poop on the potty!
We went to the Wang something pavillion today.  I got great pictures but guess what?  You cant see them!  I will try to put the up tomorrow.  It all depends on what our little angel/devil has planned for me!

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Tuesday, August 04, 2009

We have a swimmer on our hands!

Get your vacation photos on your phone!

Monday, August 03, 2009

A new baby!

Windows Live™: Keep your life in sync.

FW: here are some pics of Jaden

Get back to school stuff for them and cashback for you.

We are still alive!

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