Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Referrals up to 2/15/2006!

So referrals came out this week and CCAA matched those that were LID up to 2/15/2006! For those that are counting that leaves 27 days before us. We are really getting close to the matching room!!!
I love seeing all the pictures of the babies that are referred each month. This month there were a few boys! Now I know most people think you cant get boys from China but you can. We said we wanted an infant girl but you never know with CCAA. They told us we would wait 6 months and here we are 30 months later. I have had people ask me what we would do if we were referred a boy? Well after we picked ourselves up off the floor we would jump for joy over a boy! Then I would sell alot of baby girl clothes on EBay! Then I would be so happy that I decided to paint one of our extra bedrooms blue! I have really been surprised by what I have read. Some people would decline a boy referral. That, I don't understand. If we were to have a bio baby we could not decide what we were having, and if it turned out the wrong sex I don't think that we could return it. If that were true I am sure my mom would have returned my brother! :-) Boys are just as much fun as girls. Why, I remember about 11 years ago when I dressed my nephew in a dress and put dolls all around him for pictures! Love ya Jodus! And you made a very pretty girl! But a much more handsome boy. So if we got a boy we would bring him home where he belongs and be happy. OK I will get off my soapbox!
Until next month! Hopefully I will have a bigger batch to report!
p.s. I gotta send a shout out to the ladies at Fox Everett where my mom works. I know ya'll are counting the days down with us! And no the countdown calendar on mom's wall was not made by Jodus! I did it!
p.s.s. Another shout out to my brother Tookie, sister in law Melissa and of course Jodus, Good luck on the move to Arizona! You are finally getting outta Mississippi! (just joking mom) Love you guys!

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