Thursday, June 30, 2011

Playing catchup!

Once again Jaden has kept me busy with her little social life! Whoever said that summer was time for rest was full of it because we never have down time during the summer! Today is the only day we have stayed home and that is because Jaden was running a fever of 102! Still dont know why but at least we got to relax at home today!
This past weekend our town had their festival which was supposed to be great but really turned out to suck. If you are going to start the festival at noon then have everything ready at noon. Dont open the kids section 2 hours later. Jaden did get to see a dinosaur so it was all worth it for her! She also got to get her picture taken and fingerprinted for her safety card!

On Sunday Rusty got the great idea to clean out his boat AKA the place where I put all Jadens outgrown baby stuff! So we decided to get alot of baby stuff together to give to goodwill. Of course I had to take a picture of all Jadens things headed out the door. Another sign my baby girl is growing up!
We only had one major discussion about not giving something away. Rusty kept trying to put the stroller we bought in China for $10 in the pile, I kept taking it out. I was not quite ready to give up that yet! And of course I won and the stroller is still in the garage!

We also decided to put up Jaden's little playset this weekend. I bought it before Jaden came home and it has been in the garage ever since. I finally talked Rusty into putting it together. I am sure we will only enjoy it a few weeks before our HOA says it has to come down because it looks tacky!

Jaden also got to spend some time at her favorite water whole otherwise known as the water table.

It looks like Jaden is praying in this picture but I am pretty sure I just caught her doing the deed in her pants!

On Tuesday we met up with Amy's crew to hit the local spray park. Jaden had a blast!

Yesterday we were invited to Amy's so Jaden could join her crew in making a turtle and frog garden. Yesterday was just part one where they painted the house! Amy is a brave person to let 9 kids paint!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Can't believe it has been two years since we saw her face!

It was two years ago today that our lives changed forever when we saw Jaden's face for the first time! I will never forget those brown eyes I saw when I first opened the email from our agency! It was love at first sight. Its hard to believe that it has already been two years. It seems like it was just yesterday. China knew what they were doing when they matched us because she is perfect for our family!

I had to take a picture(or eight) of Jaden holding her referral picture today!

Then it was off to the park for a day with her China sister Sophie!!!

After dinner we met up with Amy and her family again at Charlie's baseball game! After the game we headed to the park and enjoyed some ice cream and of course took more pictures!!!