Well I can finally catch up on Jaden's blog. For some reason I was not able to post to the blog unless I sent it by email and then you can only add so many pics and you know I love pics. Plus I have been working on two lifebooks for some special little girls and I am glad to say I am almost done with the last one!
I am going to back it up and post all the way back to Valentines because I never got to post it. The main reason I want to post the pics is because Jaden looks so dang tall to me in the pictures! It makes me sad to see how fast she is growing up!I don't know if it was the jeans or what but she looks so big! Funny story though, Jaden and I had gone to target the day before to get her presents. I know I suck I just threw the stuff in the basket and kept telling it is was not for her when she said she wanted it. I guess in her mind if it wasn't for her then it must be for brother Warren! So after I told her for the 10th time it was not for her she said "But mommy I know that brother Warren wants to share with me!" He may want to share with her but I don't think she wants to share with him! And yes she calls him brother Warren, I feel like we are adopting a preacher every time I hear it!
Also since I have posted Jaden has spent alot of time in her new favorite place! Time Out! She also has a new buddy who watches over her while she is in trouble!And please disregard her mis matched clothes. Jaden has taken to dressing herself lately! Which leads to this picture...It never fails that when Jaden dresses herself she puts her shirt on backwards, her pants on backwards and one sock upside down and one inside out. It never fails that she does it the same way. When we are going somewhere I fix it but otherwise and just let her go! Rusty says he doesn't have to worry about her being asked out on a date if she keeps dressing like this!
Other big news is that she has wanted to sleep in her room a few nights in the past two weeks. We moved the crib that was never slept in to Warren's room and a daybed into Jaden's room. She decided this was a fun idea and has slept in there 3 nights. Now Rusty was in there with her because she wanted him in there but this meant I got three nights of good sleep since 8/2/2009! I am pretty happy about it!(ignore the pacy, that is a battle I feel like I will never win, along with potty training!)
Jaden has also decided that she is big enough to drink out of a real cup and not a sippy cup. I give into her please every now and then but I still feel better with the sippy myself!I have also decided that even though Jaden is as cute as they come she is just not going to be able to be a model. She loves to make these faces when I ask her to pose for a picture! Thank God for digital camera's or I would never get a good picture!
Other than that Jaden has been keeping up with her gymnastics and being pretty good since I have been spending hour after hour on the computer doing lifebooks! We did get to meet up with her buddy Sophie and go to Cosi for some fun!And finally this week Jaden and I took a quick solo trip to the zoo because it was 50 degrees outside! It was great because the animals that were out were very active and there was hardly anyone there!
10 years ago