Tuesday, August 18, 2009

We are doing so much better!

Well we are finally getting better at sleeping here in the USA. Last night she woke up at 1:00 and took a bottle and went right back to bed then slept till 7! She is in to everything! She can now crawl across the room and is pulling herself up on furniture. I am sure she will be walking in no time! She is still using the potty for poop. We bought one for each floor so we can make it in time. She went on her first visit to the zoo yesterday. She loves anything that swims!
I am glad to be back from China but I never thought I would miss my new friends and all the babies as much as I do.


Anonymous said...

I am so HAPPY for you guys! Have you heard from Amy? They are so jetlagged. They have barely slept. They have been awake sine like 1:00 AM!!! They are asleep obviously while I am writing this comment! I hope that in a few weeks everything will be totally GREAT!

Anonymous said...

By the way Jaden really does seem to like your house. Does she like the dogs? Amy came over today and Sophie seemed to like our dog. BYE!