Thursday, February 18, 2010

15 month check-up!

Jaden had her 15 month check-up this week. She is finally letting her peers catch up with her in height. She is 31 1/2 inches, this puts her in the 75%. When we first brought her home she was in the 95% so maybe she is not going to be as tall as we thought. She weighs 22.14 lbs. which puts her in 35%. We still have the problem of her having a tiny waste and hiney but long legs. None of her clothes stay up unless they are knit pants! The doctor said she is doing great and is ahead of her targets! She still only has 8 teeth but the doctor said you can tell she is getting her molars because her gums are swollen.

We are still snowed in here! Its getting very old. Luckily we have a busy weekend and have to get out of the house. Jaden has been attending Chinese music class twice a month and she loves it. I know she will be happy to see her friends in class Saturday. We also have our 6 month post placement visit with our social worker this weekend! I can't believe she has been home that long. We are doing our visit with Sophie's family so it will be fun for the girls to get together again. Sunday we have our local Chinese New Year celebration. I am so excited to go this year because we will finally have our baby with us instead of being a waiting family!!! Plus I get to dress Jaden in one of her Chinese silks that we bought on our trip!

In Jaden news, she is doing great. She is a very strong willed toddler! She has finally decided she likes our smallest dog Kayleigh, except she seems to think we should have named her Bailey and that is what she is called! She still tortures our middle dog Gabbie and loves her big dog Lancie! She does not like any of them in the bathroom with her when she is pottying and will say get out! She no longer likes to have her picture taken by me and will not sit still for me. She no longer loves Barney and has moved onto Elmo! This is big news for me because I hate Barney. I took some pics today of her watching Elmo, I also got one of her dancing to the theme song!

She is still a big time momma's girl. I can't leave the room without some tears from her. She is also going through the faze of being scared of people she doesn't see often. She will freak out if someone takes her from me. But she still has people that she will go to with no problem. Who knows maybe she is just a good judge of character and knows who she likes and dislikes! She did not like the doctor, I guess she knows who gives her shots!
Her new thing is that she loves her belly button and wants you to get it all the time. We tell her to show us her button and up goes her shirt and she points at it. Enjoy the pics and I will have more after this weekend!

1 comment:

Lauri said...

Great photos! Funny that she loves her belly button. Sarah is freaked out by hers. She touches it and signs "hurt." I think she thinks it's an injury of some sort. Odd.