Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The bug- day 3.

I am happy to say that we are still alive and kicking. Jaden stayed in the same clothes I put her to bed in last night. I figure we had no one to empress but ourselves. The faucet that is Jaden's nose seems to have slowed to a small leak. Her cough is still pretty bad but luckily I have a stethoscope and can listen to her chest and she doesn't sound congested in her lungs. Mommy on the other hand is not doing so well. My chest and throat are killing me. I almost feel as bad as I did when we got home from Ch*na. I can not wait for Rusty to get home tomorrow night. I think Jaden and I are both driving each other nuts stuck in this house with just each other.
Today we also found out why they say not to let babies walk around with bottles. Jaden was sitting on the couch with her bottle and decided to get off. Well she fell and busted her lip. So now we are also dealing with a swollen top lip! Oh the fun we have when daddy is away!

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