Wednesday, July 06, 2011

A fun craft at Amy's!

Today Jaden and I headed over to Amy's to finish up the craft we started last week. Amy was so nice(crazy) to let the 8 kids(1 was out sick)make turtle/frog gardens! Last week the kids painted the houses and this week they added the dirt, flowers,rocks and animals! The fun started off with a snack!

Then it was time for a few instructions from Amy.

Then the dirt and flowers started flying!

Before long there were 8 gardens and 1 big mess!

After the craft it was time for some fun! So the kids put on their suits and hit the water. Jaden always puts safety first so she decided that 3 rings were better then 1!

Mommy loves when Jaden goes to Amy's because all the kids wear her out and she takes a nice long nap! When nap was over we went outside to take a picture with her garden! She was so proud of herself!

Thanks Amy for letting us join your crazy crew on craft day!!!

1 comment:

Lauri said...

Just adorable -- the girl and the garden!