Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Happy Gotcha Day!!!

Its hard to believe but two years ago today Jaden was FINALLY placed in my arms. After many years and many many tears we finally had her and she was ours. The first 30 minutes was great. She was just interested in all that was going on around her and checking out these two strange people who were in her face that looked crazy and smelled so different. But after that 30 minutes all hell broke loose! I guess she realized we were keeping her and she was not going back to the only person she had ever known that cared for her. She grieved and she grieved hard! She kicked, screamed, puked and past out after she was so exhausted. I will admit that I questioned if we were doing the right thing. It hurt to see her go through so much pain and stress. How would you feel to lose everything you had ever known in an instance? But I am so glad that we did stick it out and I loved on her even when she wanted no part of me. After 2 1/2 days she finally felt comfortable. I guess she decided we weren't so bad after all! Those first days were not easy but it was oh so worth it. I would do it all over again in a heartbeat!
A big shout out to my China family Tara who took this photo on Gotcha day two years ago. I have not seen it till today and it is now my favorite. It shows both of our emotions so well!

Now onto our day today! Rusty was out of town so Jaden and I spent the day just hanging at the house. After nap I let her open her gifts. I no longer buy toys for her, instead I buy things that will keep her occupied for a few minutes so I can have a break. So we got a big coloring book(which she is working on know) and a princess art supply kit! She informed me that they were both her favorites and she had wanted them!

Then it was off to spend Gotcha day with the Rogers family! We had Chinese food, I made a cake and we even had live music from Charlie and Mailie!

Afterwards we headed home and took the yearly photo on the stairs! This is last years picture and her Gotcha day picture. (she is in her gotcha day outfit in both pictures)

Here she is today!
Happy gotcha day to our sweet baby girl! We love you so much!!!

1 comment:

Debbie Sauer said...

Precious, very happy girl! Blessings