Friday, October 07, 2011

Down on the farm!

If Jaden had had a say in the matter I am sure she would have chosen parents that lived on a farm. Luckily for us she didn't have a choice and ended up with two citified, suburban living people! Jaden loves all animals and is not scared of any of them. This explains why at the tender age 1 year she had already been bitten by a chicken! She has no problem letting a nasty long tongued animal lick her hand up an down. I on the other hand can not stand that! It takes all the courage I have in me to let a deer eat out of my hand. But my girl on the other hand is a pro! So I take whatever opportunity I can to take her to the farm. The weather was perfect today! Since it was not above 80 degrees I knew that those special patties that the horses make would not be baking too bad in the sun and the lovely aroma would not be too bad. And thank goodness I was right!
Our first thing that we always do is go and feed the animals in the barn...

Afterwards we had to head to the first aid box for a band aid for my little princess and then it was time for a few fall pictures.(Jaden was thrilled)

After lunch and alot of loving from a pack of bees it was on to the big event, horseback riding! So we saddled up on Bailey and headed off into the corral!

Had to take a picture of the fall colors since the leaves are starting to turn! I love this time of year!

Afterwards it was playtime, deer feeding time and hay time!

Now mommy is enjoying the fact that Jaden is passed out on the couch. I guess I like farms too!

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