Saturday, November 26, 2011

Gobble Gobble!

For Thanksgiving this year we headed down to visit Rusty's parents for the day. His mother just had surgery so myself and my sister in law were in charge of all the food except for the turkey. I decided this was the perfect time to introduce a southern Thanksgiving to my yankee family. I cooked cornbread dressing, mac & cheese, mashed potatoes, fruit salad and Mississippi mud pie! Everything turned out great! Of course my dressing was a little late coming to the table because we had to dry it out so we didn't have to eat dressing soup, but it was good for my first try. Everyone ate till they were stuffed and couldn't eat anymore. Jaden had a good time playing with her cousin Eliza. Poor Chase wasn't able to make it because he woke up with a fever so he and his mom had to stay home. We will get to see them soon for our Christmas in a few weeks!

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