Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Chinese silk photo session!

Ok so Chinese New Years began last Monday. And for us last Monday began with a sick girl which then turned into a sick mom and was followed by a sick dad. Thanks to our little petrie dish we all got some virus that was going around. For some reason it has decided it really likes our family and is back again this week. My plan was to get Jaden all dressed in her Silks and take some Chinese New Year pictures. That didn't happen on Monday! But luckily for me when the Chinese have a holiday they like to live it up and party for two weeks! So on Sunday Jaden got dressed up in her silks and did a little photo session with me. Now Jaden loves the fact that she was born in China but there is one thing she really hates about being Chinese. These dang dresses! She cries and says they itch her. But this time I told her if she would wear her dresses then she would get a kit kat bar! And it worked! I don't know if she will fall for it again when she has to wear it for our COFCC Chinese New Year party this weekend!
So after a 20 minute photo shoot and 10 minutes trying to get the dress off and over her head, she finally got her reward! It was all worth it!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Back to school!

We decided to take a long holiday break from Chinese school this year. We hold it at our house twice a month but we have not met since before Thanksgiving. This host needed a break! This past weekend we went back into full swing. We decided to focus on Chinese New Year this week so there were crafts centered around the New Year. The big bonus of this class was that we learned how to make dumplings! Debbie was nice enough to show all the kids how to make dumplings and they each got to make two themselves. They also got to try out some of her dumplings. And Debbie was nice enough to show the parents how she mixed up the dumpling mix! I can't wait to make my first batch. Now I have to figure out how to make hot dog and mac and cheese dumplings since that is the only thing Jaden will eat!!!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Fun with the Fu's!

Jaden's playgroup met Saturday night. We starting by eating at Pei Wei! Then we went to Graeter's to have ice cream and play! We ended the night by going to Hannah's and having a playdate! Both girls like to stay up late so they partied into the wee hours of the night!
The rest of the week for Jaden has been a little like this...
She is not feeling well. I think it is just a cold and she has been nice enough to share it with the rest of us! We have our second homestudy visit tonight and Jaden has decided she does not want to take a nap. This should make for an interesting visit!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The dentist and a birthday party!

Today was Jaden's first real dentist appointment. She had gone with me before but they only counted her teeth. Today was the day she actually got her teeth cleaned! She was so excited! I went first so she could watch, she kept telling me to get out of the chair because it was her turn! Finally it was her turn and she jumped right in the chair and opened her mouth. I was suprised she actually let them polish her teeth. Thank goodness she has no cavities and they said her teeth are great!
This weekend Jaden was invited to three birthday parties! One of which was her cousin Chase. We hate we had to miss the other two but family comes first! Jaden had a great time and was so tired on the way home. She told me her "eyes were tired" and one minute later she was out for the whole ride home!
And there are no pictures of this but I want to write it down so one day Jaden can read this. This week while Rusty was out of town and it was snowing I let her look outside in the backyard with the door open. All the sudden a huge deer walked in the backyard. Jaden was so upset and turned to me and said, "Mom, Santa Clause forgot to take him home!" I explained it was a deer and not a reindeer. She was still pretty stressed!