Sunday, April 08, 2012

Easter 2012

I feel like we have been hopping all weekend! This has been a very busy and very fun Easter! We spent yesterday with our wonderful neighbors at our local Easter egg hunt! This was the first time we have attended this egg hunt and I am sure it will become a tradition! There were over 50,000 eggs and they even dropped them from a helicopter! Jaden and Andrew lovedit! We also got to see our new friend Grayce but I didn't get any pictures of her!
While we were shopping for Jaden's Easter hat she found another hat that she just had to have. She was nice enough to show it off for me.

This morning Jaden was so excited to see what the Easter bunny had brought!!!
Then it was outside so we could "try" to get a decent picture. The wind would not cooperate!
Finally this afternoon we headed down to Dayton to spend Easter with Rusty's family.
I am so thankful Easter is over and we can rest up after such a busy weekend. I think Jaden may be getting sick again so we have already had to cancel some plans for this week. Hopefully she is just tired.
Tonight she was in the bathtub and acting funny so I asked what was wrong? She said "my heart is broken" I was floored and have no clue where she got this. I tried to ask why and she wouldn't tell me. Rusty asked her was it mommy or daddy and she said no. When he asked about Warren she said yes that is why her heart was broken. So now we are wondering is it because she wants him home so bad or is it because she doesn't want him home? I like to think it is the first one. She has a baby doll she calls baby brother and she sleeps with it and has to brush it's teeth everynight. Hopefully she will be like that with her little brother!

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