Sunday, July 04, 2010

Happy birthday to me! and of course whats up with Jaden.

So yesterday was my birthday! In all my 36 years(yhea I said it 36) this was the best birthday I have ever had. I was woken up with a kiss from my little girl! Then that same little girl handed me my card ad gifts. It took alittle pushing to get the gifts from her because usually gifts are for her. But once she realized she got to play with the bag it was all good. She was on her best behavior all day so this meant no hitting and just a few tantrums! We ate at one of our favorite places the Japanese steakhouse! Then we finished it off with some ice cream! It was a great day to turn 36.

Jaden is growing into a little girl more and more each day! I am losing my baby!(which is making me want to do it again just dont tell Rusty!) I think she is already going through her terrible two's at 19 months. She is turning more and more into a drama queen every day! She is also turning into a climbing monkey! If I am not watching her for a second she will be standing up in the chairs or trying to get on the table. One good thing is that she is learning to put up her own toys. This is good for me because she has a toy store in the house! She loves it outside but we try to wait until late afternoon to go out because she has very bad eczema and the sun flares it up! She is also a major animal lover. We took her to the pet store yesterday and she would go to every animal and squeal in delight! I see alot of creatures in our future.

She is also pretty funny. Last night after we got home from the store she was playing with a new toy so quietly. I got up to check on her and she had made herself a table to play on. This consisted of a big pack of toilet paper for the table and a pack of pads for the seat! Pretty smart if you ask me!

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