Friday, August 06, 2010

Trying to beat the heat!

Its been pretty warm up here in Yankee land. By warm I mean in the high 80's low 90's! We have even had some pretty bad humidity going on. While I grew up in Mississippi, the land of "walk outta your house and your ringing wet' humidity, I think maybe I have gotten a little yankeefied up here! We have been hanging in the house and doing crafts to keep cool!
We had some play dough time...

We had some tent time...

We did alittle of what I like to call bingo art...

We took some walks in the evening...

We even decided to brave the elements and play in the pool and water table...(and in case you notice this is our third pool of the summer, one got a hole, one went missing!)

Today we decided to meet up with Jaden's good friends Mattie, Audrey, and Leah at story time! We all had a great time singing, dancing, and doing crafts!

After story time we had a picnic lunch and then hit the splash pad!(leave it to me, I forgot the swimsuit!)

And no pictures of it but Jaden has slept in her crib for nap the past three days! We are making progress! Next step sleeping the night in her crib! (yhea right)

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