We started off our trip with a good ole fashion hay ride with a stop to pick and apple or two!
Then it was on to the real business of the day! Picking our honeycrisp apples!
After we had filled our bags we headed to the corn maze. This was my first experience in a corn maze and probably my last! I didn't think we were ever going to get out ot it. I do have to admit that we cheated. Once we saw the ending we just kinda left the path and went through the corn!
We ended the day with shopping at the little market they had set up and eating in the parking lot!
Now I am making applesauce and my house smells just like fall! I am even going to attempt to can it! I love this time of year!
(I am sure you noticed the absence of a certain person by the name of Rusty. Well he decided to skip our little outing so he could sleep and get a message! Don't worry there is another apple picking adventure in his future in the next few months!)
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