Monday, August 10, 2009

Shopping fun!

Well today we got to go to the pearl market.  The whole place was so overwhelming!  There was six floors of nothing but jewelry.  From fake to real.  We went to the pearl store and had a blast.  They sell them for wholesale so we got a very good deal.  We ended up getting myself a necklace, earrings, and pendant and we also got Jaden earrings and a necklace for her wedding day.  I didn't want to get myself anything but Rusty made me.  We also got a couple DVD's for Jaden for $3 a piece! 
We hit the McDonald's afterwards where Jaden got her first happy meal!  She loves chicken nuggets.  I dont think there is anything this kid wont eat.  Before bed last night she drank 1 1/2 bottles and one jar of baby carrots! 
I left her with her daddy again today so I could do a little shopping without her.  It was nice.  I got her a few silk dresses for each year up to size 10.  They are like $5 here a piece.  I do want to get a few more squeaky shoes before we leave.  Other than that I think we are done! 
Later today we have the infamous red coach photo!  That should be a hoot with 12 babies.  Jaden will be wearing a sapphire blue dress that I had made for her in Jiangxi along with matching shoes. 
We have still been unable to get her hair to lay flat so she is now sporting a ponytail on top of her head.  She looks like a Chinese Pebbles! 
There are families here in the hotel who just got their babies yesterday and I look at those babies and realize how far all of our girls have come.  They all seem so comfortable now with their family.  Jaden is a little too comfortable.  Its like she has always been here with us.  At night I still have to peek in her crib to make sure this is all real.  After 4 plus years I never thought it would happen.  Now I know why we had to go through the wait because she is the perfect baby for us.
Tonight we do the Pearl River cruise.  Tomorrow is a free day because our guides have to go to the consulate for us and then the next day we take the oath and catch a train to Hong Kong.  We are so close to coming home.  I know her grandparents are so ready to get their hands on her and I am ready for ya'll to see her. 

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